Video Workouts

Check out Rory Patterson with his dead lift.  That is the most weight we could put on the bar and he still did it with ease.  Also here is a quick calf workout you can do, I have 4 different positions for my feet to work every angle of my calves.  This is what helps if you want explosiveness in sports!

A lot of times I get bored with regular push ups.  Here are a couple push up workouts you can do that will give you a good workout.  The top video workout shows me doing the following: A regular push up followed by one with my right arm out, back to regular, left arm out, back to regular, right arm up, back to regular, then left arm up, and back to regular. I time myself for 30 seconds, wait 30 seconds and do 3 sets.
The bottom video shows a quick push up workout with core balancing. I use this sometimes as a   burnout workout. Just do 3 sets of as many as you can.

Here is just a basic core workout that you can do at home with a pull up bar.  Sometimes a workout on the go or at home like this can be just as good as any commercial grade machine at the gym can give you.

When I work out I like to have fun and do some creative workouts.  This is an exercise I do once a week.  I will do 3 sets.  The first I go up and down 12 times, the second set 10, and the third I try to get 8.  You can obviously do as many as you want.  This is just a fun exercise that works your back, arms, and shoulders.


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  2. If anyone has any workouts they would like me to try and then post, just send me a quick message and I will see what I can do.
